Now is the right time for the SAP S/4HANA migration, as SAP will discontinue the maintenance for the current SAP ERP systems by end of 2027. So, how do you initiate the Digital Transformation with S/4HANA?

  • Are you looking for a comprehensive assessment of the potential S/4HANA Business case?
  • Do you need SAP transformation consultancy to realize the business benefits?
  • Do you have the experience and the SAP educated program manager to drive your SAP digital transformation?
  • How are you leveraging continuous improvement with the S/4HANA journey?

Approximately 80% of all major enterprises are using SAP ERP system to support their business digitally, and therefore - as a fact - they are unable to transform further at the pace of the current digital transformation, embracing AI, IOT, Analytics and Robotics in the process optimization and bringing efficiency and agility in order to stay relevant in the marketplace.

25% of all SAP customers have already decided and have moved to SAP S/4HANA to realize their investment on the digital transformation. The remaining 75% are still waiting for the strategic decision.

Are you one of the 75%, who are still undecided about the best path to SAP S/4HANA and how best to approach the project? We are here to assist you, step by step, in a sequential structured way, to ensure that you will be able to accelerate your digital transformation with SAP S/4HANA migration.